Scientific Articles & Download
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Articles published in scientific refereed journals
8. 2005. Sens et réseaux (Meaning and Networks). Dans: AGIR, Revue de Stratégie (Paris), N° 20-21 (pp 56-63). Thème : La société de l’information. (Janvier 2005). Abstract en anglais.
7. 2004. Hardy, C. & Grès, S. (2004). Anticipation: Humans Versus Machines. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTING ANTICIPATORY SYSTEMS (IJCAS) 2004.
6. 2003. Multilevel Webs Stretched across Time: Retroactive and Proactive Inter-Influences. SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE, vol 20, N° 2 (pp 201-215). (Special Issue on: Systems Thinking for Social Responsibility.)
5. 2001: Self-organization, self-reference and inter-influences in Multilevel Webs: Beyond causality and determinism. JOURNAL OF CYBERNETICS AND HUMAN KNOWING. Imprint Academic, UK. Vol.8, no.3. (pp 35-59). July 2001.
4. 2000. Campos semánticos y psi: Sugerencias para un modelo teórico. REVISTA ARGENTINA DE PSICOLOGIA. Publication en espagnol (Argentine) de: Hardy, C. (1998) Semantic Fields and mental processes.
3. 2000: Psi as a multilevel process : Semantic Fields Theory. Published in JOURNAL OF PARAPSYCHOLOGY. Vol. 64, March 2000 (pp. 73-94)
2. 1997: Semantic Fields and meaning: A bridge between mind and matter. WORLD FUTURES, Newark: Gordon & Breach. Vol 48 (pp161-170)
1. 1996: Théorie des champs sémantiques: Dynamiques de l'interprétation et de la création de sens. BIOMATH, Vol. 34, N° 135. Paris, 3ème semestre 1996.
1. 1996: Théorie des champs sémantiques: Dynamiques de l'interprétation et de la création de sens. BIOMATH, Vol. 34, N° 135. Paris, 3ème semestre 1996.
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Articles and Papers on the
Infinite Spiral Staircase Theory (ISST)
& Semantic Fields Theory
56. 2015. ISS Theory: Semantic and Self-Organizing Topological dynamics at the Universe’s origin. Paper presented at the Space Technologies & Applications International Forum. Albuquerque, NM, April 16-18, 2015.
55. 2013. The link psyche-matter, and synchronicity. Lecture at The Free University of Brussel (ULB)– module C.G. Jung. March 19, 2013.
54. 2012. Pensée jungienne et énergie de la conscience. Congress: Quantum Therapy / forum. Reims, France, Nov. 17-19.
53. 2012. The way opened by Jung: The double conjonction masculine-feminine and ego-Self at the collective level. Lecture at The Free University of Brussel (ULB)– C.G. Jung module. Oct 23, 2012.
52. 2012. La transformation des consciences : vers le champ sémantique planétaire. Congress on C.G. Jung, Nice, Sept 15.
51. 2012. La prédiction de Jung: la métamorphose de la terre. Lecture at L’entrepôt, Paris, March 15.
50. 2012. La prédiction de Jung : un saut quantique dans la conscience collective. Conférence pour la sortie de l’ouvrage La prédiction de Jung.
49. 2011. La portée révolutionnaire de la théorie de Jung en science - notamment sciences cogni-tives, parapsychologie, imbrication esprit/matière. » Paper at Journée Jung, A-IMI Paris, Oct. 29.
48. 2010. Vers une conscience collective harmonisée? Systèmes dynamiques complexes liés à la cognition anomale. AFSCET, Paris, 8 mars 2010.
47. 2009. Le psi dans la théorie cognitive des champs sémantiques (TCS): L’esprit comme réseau d’interconnexions non-locales. Conférence à l’IMI, Paris. 2 octobre 2009.
46. 2008. Formalizing rare complex dynamical systems linked to anomalous cognition with Semantic Fields Theory's framework. Présentation à la Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences (SCTPLS), conférence annuelle, Richmond, VA, USA.
45. 2006. The dynamics of intuition viewed through a cognitive systems theory. Presentation at Faculdades Integradas, biannual international conference. April 21-24, Curitiba, Brazil.
44. 2005. Meaning and Networks. Panel presentation: The Information Society - Strategic stake. Organized and moderated by Carine Dartiguepeyrou and Michel Saloff-Coste, January 25, 2005, UNESCO Paris.
43. 2005. Network-strategies and Sci-Fi : Managing the interaction with exo-civilizations and artificial intelligences. European Systems Science congress. Paris, 18-22 Septembre 2005.
42. 2005. Sens et réseaux (Meaning and Networks). In AGIR, Journal of STRATEGY (Revue de Stratégie, Paris), N° 20-21 (pp 56-63). Theme : The Information Society. (January 2005). Abstract in English.
41. 2004. Dynamique-réseau et nouveau mode de gouvernance. AFSCET Transdisciplinary symposium. Andé 2004. Theme: Governance – individual & collective : systemic viewpoints.
40. 2004. Hardy, C. & Grès, S. (2004). Anticipation: Humans Versus Machines. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTING ANTICIPATORY SYSTEMS (IJCAS) 2004.
39. 2004. Synchronicity: Interconnection Through A Semantic Dimension. Presentation at Faculdades Integradas, biannual international conference. April 21-26, Curitiba, Brazil.
38. 2004: Tackling the mind-matter problem from a consciousness perspective. In Storm, L. & Thalbourne, M. (Eds). NJ: McFarland.
37. 2003. Intuitive Dynamics and Chaos. Presentation at the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences (SCTPLS), annual conf., Boston.
36. 2003. Hardy, C. & Grès, S. Anticipations : Human Versus Machines. Presentation at CASYS 03 Conference (Computing Anticipatory Systems), Liège, Belgium, August 11-16, 2003
35. 2003: Complex Intuitive Dynamics in a Systemic Cognitive Framework. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS), Crete, 7/7-11. Published in the CD-rom of the Proceedings of the 47th annual meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS).
34. 2003. Multilevel Webs Stretched across Time: Retroactive and Proactive Inter-Influences. SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE, vol 20, N° 2 (pp 201-215). (Special Issue on: Systems Thinking for Social Responsibility.)
33. 2002. Multilevel Webs : Proactive influence on markets. In RES-SYSTEMICA, Vol. 2, Actes du V° Congrès Européen de Systémique, Octobre 2002, Crète. (
32. 2002. Multilevel Webs : Proactive influence on markets. 5th European systems science congress. Heraklion, Crete, 10/16-19 2002. (Satellite conference on Systems Management.)
31. 2002: Logical Fields and the dynamics of change: From conflict to cooperation. China, 8/2-6. Published in the CD-rom of the Proceedings of the 46th annual meeting of the Intern. Soc. for the Systems Sciences (ISSS).
30. 2002: Logical fields: The informing patterns of collective thinking. Sixth multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI), Orlando, Florida, USA. 7/14-18
29. 2001: Multilevel Webs stretched across time: Retroactive and proactive inter-influences. Annual congress, OR 43: University of Bath, UK, 9/3-6.
28. 2001: Multilevel Webs as non-deterministic complex systems. Presentation at the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences (SCTPLS) annual conf., Madison, WS. 8/3-6.
27. 2001: Self-organization, self-reference and inter-influences in Multilevel Webs: Beyond causality and determinism. JOURNAL OF CYBERNETICS AND HUMAN KNOWING. UK: Imprint Academic. Vol.8, no.3. (pp 35-59). July 2001.
26. 2000. Campos semánticos y psi: Sugerencias para un modelo teórico. Revista Argentina de Psicología. Publication in Spanish (Argentina) of Hardy, C. (1998) Semantic Fields and mental processes.
25. 2000: Self-organization, autopoiesis, and the breakdown of causality in complex cognitive systems. World congress of the Systems Sciences & ISSS, Toronto, Canada, 7/16-22. Published in the CD-rom of the Proceedings of the 44th annual meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS).
24. 2000: Psi as a multilevel process : Semantic Fields Theory. Published in JP, Journal of Parapsychology. Vol. 64, March 2000 (pp. 73-94)
23. 2000: Two types of memory-as-process in a dynamical networks’ view of the mind. Presentation at the SCTPLS annual conf., Philadelphia, NJ, 7/20-23.
22. 2000. Apprendre un art: un réseau multidimensionnel. In Revue Spectre, Paris. Traduction Luc Fafournoux.
21. 1999: Semantic Fields and collective consciousness. Euro-PA convention, Chartres, France, 10/1-3.
20. 1999: Psi as a multilevel process : Semantic fields theory. Presentation at the PA 42d annual Convention, Standford Univ., CA, 8/4-8.
19. 1999: Mind as a lattice of dynamical networks. Presentation at the SCTPLS annual conf., Berkeley, CA, 7/22-27.
18. 1999: Complex semantic systems: Understanding mind-in-the-world. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Internarional Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS), Asilomar, CA, 6/27-7/2. Published in the CD-rom of the Proceedings of the 43d annual meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS).
17. 1999: Acquiring an artistic skill: A multidimensional network. In Roy Ascott (Ed.) Reframing Consciousness. Exeter, UK, and Portland, OR : Intellect. (pp248-252)
16. 1998: The Value of the Irrational, with Bill Sulis (McMasters Univ.), and Robin Robertson (Psychological Perspectives). Panel at the SCTPLS annual conference at Boston, MA. 7/31-8/2.
15. 1998: Synchronicity: A transpersonal dynamical process. Presentation at the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences (SCTPLS) annual conf., Boston, MA. 7/31-8/2.
14. 1998: Semantic Fields and mental processes. European Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE), Valencia, Spain, 10/9-11.
13. 1998: Réseaux cognitifs: du cerveau à la terre. Presentation at the COB conference, Consciousness of the Earth. Bruxelles, Belgium, 5/2-4.
12. 1998: Memory as a dynamical-network organization and process. Annual conf. of the Italian Society for Chaos and Complexity (SICC). Rome Intern. Univ., Rome, Italy, 10/21-23.
11. 1998: Acquiring an artistic skill: A multidimensional network. Presentation at the CAiiA conference, Consciousness Reframed II. Univ. of Wales, Newport, UK. 8/18-22.
10. 1997: Semantic Fields and meaning: A bridge between mind and matter. World Futures, Newark: Gordon & Breach. Vol 48 (pp161-170)
9. 1997: Modeling transitions between states of consciousness: the concept of Nested Chaos. Presentation at the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences (SCTPLS) annual conference at Milwaukee, WS. 7/31-8/2.
8. 1996: Théorie des champs sémantiques: Dynamiques de l'interprétation et de la création de sens. Biomath, Vol. 34, N° 135. 3d semester 1996.
7. 1995: Semantic Fields and meaning. Presentation at COB Coloquium: 'The cognitive methodology of integrated science', Padua, Italy, 10/2-5.
6. 1994: Une théorie des champs sémantiques. Presentation, GREC-B seminar, Versailles, France, 4/10.
5. 1994: Meaning as interface between mind and matter. Poster presentation, ‘Toward a scientific basis for consciousness', Tucson I, Arizona, 4/12-17.
4. 1994: L'imbrication conscience/matière: l'événement comme constellation éco-sémantique. Presentation, Lisbon convention, Portugal, 4/27-30.
3. 1994: Le regard crée du sens: les synergies sémantiques. (Semantic synergies). Le 3ème Millénaire, N° 31, Mars 1994.
2. 1993: Les trames sémantiques (Semantic lattices). Presentation, Congress “Les niveaux de communication”, Vichy, France, 9/10-12.
1. 1992: Meaning and PK. Presentation, Euro-PA convention, Melun, France, October.
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