Saturday, May 2, 2015

Check my two new books published in April 2015

Cosmic DNA at the Origin: A
Hyperdimension before the Big Bang. 
The Infinite Spiral Staircase Theory
USA: CreateSpace IPP, 2015
Paperback, 368p, April 21, 2015

 In Cosmic DNA at the Origin, systems scientist Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D., lays the foundations for a universe in which consciousness is the driving force of creation that we experience in our lives, and yet a hyperdimension of collective intelligence…all the way to the origin. This is a thought-provoking theory of the origin of the universe, called The Infinite Spiral Staircase Theory
In a witty and well-informed style, Hardy takes us on a grand tour of the 5th dimension, black holes, the Zero Point and vacuum, and the hottest cosmologies, to show that adding this ISS hyperdimension of consciousness (interlaced with hyperspace and hypertime) not only is very consistent with most physics discoveries, but also explains why we are endowed with consciousness. Moving beyond the materialistic or random frameworks, Hardy weaves a new cosmological paradigm in which consciousness and matter evolve in synchrony, and a part of our being is hyperdimensional. From the point of origin, an immense time before the first quantum, before particles and matter, space and time are born, this hyperdimension unfolds as a golden spiral driven by the phi ratio—an Infinite Spiral Staircase (ISS).
This ISS bears on its innumerable spires a boundless field of information issued from parent universes, that contains the imprint of all beings and worlds of many past experiments; and yet, this ‘Cosmic DNA’ is a field of potentials that is neither deterministic nor limiting for our own universe. Rather, it is a collective consciousness that will grow and choose its innumerable paths; it is the true dimension of our Selfs and individual consciousnesses. Readers aspiring at moving beyond the materialistic paradigm and willing to understand how the universe is a coherent whole, endowed with consciousness, will find this book extremely challenging.

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 Réseaux énergétiques et conscience collective. Mégalithes, cathédrales, lignes telluriques  

Paris: Dervy, 13 Avril 2015

The translation in French of The Sacred Network, published by Dervy, Paris, 13 Avril 2015.
Trouvez-le sur à: (Cliquez sur le lien)

La recherche présentée dans ce livre se tient au carrefour de deux époques : l'ère future déjà en processus d'être créée, et un très lointain passé dans lequel nos ancêtres ont laissé des constructions et des marques sacrées sur la terre que tous les courants religieux qui allaient se succéder allaient dûment respecter.
Cette recherche se tient au point où deux pyramides se rencontrent à leurs sommets, et où les lignes de force jaillissent en éventail dans les deux sens : le passé lointain et le futur lointain. En effet, mon sujet est double; d'une part, j'explore les états collectifs d'harmonie qui laissent envisager un saut dans la conscience humaine dans un avenir très proche, et d'autre part je dévoile un réseau sacré de monuments et de sites situés autour du globe et construits par nos ancêtres, le peuple énigmatique qui a érigé les mégalithes. Chaque facette de mon sujet projette sa lumière sur l'autre ; en effet, j'en suis venue à comprendre que le véritable but qui a incité nos ancêtres à construire le réseau sacré préhistorique était de déclencher l'émergence d'une conscience supérieure en l'humanité. Je pense d'ailleurs que c'est la raison pour laquelle ce réseau sacré a été non seulement protégé, mais aussi magnifiquement développé à travers les siècles, même dans notre monde moderne.
La première partie de ce texte traite donc de l'émergence de la conscience collective. Plutôt que d'aborder le sujet de façon abstraite, cette partie explore des phénomènes très spécifiques, à savoir les structures énergétiques liées à la conscience, et surtout à des états-pics. Lorsque plusieurs personnes sont assemblées en vue d'un but partagé, comme méditer ou jouer de la musique, elles peuvent atteindre un état exceptionnel d'harmonie collective et de partage profond. Parfois cette synchronisation de groupe est si forte qu'elle entraîne la création d'un champ télépathique, objectif et tangible, comme si tous les esprits y participant avaient fusionné dans un unique esprit collectif. Mais si l'expérience est en soi surprenante, les anomalies physiques qu'elle entraîne sont encore plus déconcertantes : ces états de synchronisation mentale présentent en effet des structures énergétiques précises – comme un tore de lumière en rotation ou encore des champs bipolaires  –­­ qui indiquent clairement qu'ils sont des champs d'énergie créés par l'énergie de la conscience.
Ainsi, mes premières observations furent de larges champs de conscience collective qui existaient de façon permanente et stable dans deux lieux sacrés : un monastère et l'église attenante en Bretagne, et la ville sainte de Nasik en Inde. Dans ces deux cas, toutes les personnes se trouvant dans le champ étaient en synchronisation télépathique ou harmonique profonde au sein d'un unique esprit collectif. À ma grande surprise, ces deux champs de conscience ont présenté des caractéristiques énergétiques identiques : une enceinte spatiale marquée par une limite précise sur le terrain, mais aussi une grille apparaissant haut dans le ciel, formant un dôme au-dessus d'eux. Ces champs de conscience collective peuvent être créés dans une variété de contextes - par exemple, lorsque les gens méditent ou improvisent de la musique ensemble. Du fait que ces champs sont, au niveau psychologique, fondés sur une harmonisation profonde des esprits, et qu'ils déclenchent un échange télépathique, je les nomme des champs Telhar (tél)épathiques-(har)moniques).

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Leys forming geometric structures boosting collective consciousness

   In the modern Paris, lively arcs of light rebounding from building to building form stupendous structures extended over the whole city such as pentagrams, circles, and Sri-Yantras or Stars of David. These constellations in stone, beyond their sacred geometry signature, are encoding amazing stories. The temple-church devoted to the Magdalene, perfectly fitted in a thrice sacred structure forming the Lily of France's central petal, reveals how the Magdalene is linked to a royal line, and further back to Egypt and Isis - thus comforting Henry Lincoln’s views.

  The Sacred Network’ s data, based on actual figures made out of leys and energy lines within Paris is a whole new range of proofs giving unprecedented weight to the theories advocating that Maria Magdalene was of a royal descent from Egypt as well as a priestess in ancient cults; that she was the spouse and first disciple of Christ and that Their descent became the Bloodline of the Merovingians.

  The Sacred Network explains how humanity as a whole will soon undergo a fantastic leap in consciousness - achieving a supraconscious collective state. Novel mental capacities are emerging right now, especially in terms of group harmonization, showing that collective consciousness is the next step in human evolution. As fantastic as it may sound, this evolution has been primed since 6000 BC, by a civilization of immense knowledge – the megaliths people. By erecting standing stones worldwide at locations having an uplifting effect on consciousness, they created the blueprint of a Network that was going to be not only revered but constantly complexified until today. Since ages, the Sacred Network has thus linked sacred sites of all cultures and religions on Earth. The connection between distant sacred spots was prodding collective consciousness, thus prefiguring a time when a global attunement would be achieved. And now the time has come for humanity to leap into a global and harmonized consciousness.

   Even within major cities, prominent buildings have been organized and oriented in such a way as to boost the arcs of energy of the Network. In Paris for example, this has been done by each and any government, whether tribal Gaul kings, monarchy, empire, or else democracy. The sacred spots chosen for erecting stones have always remained sacred, each new religion building on the very same site. Thus, in the underground foundation of Paris’ cathedral was the Gaul Pillar of the Nautes, then a temple to Diana, and finally the foundation of the diverse versions of the cathedral. Similarly, Chartres cathedral was erected above a prominent druidic temple—an arc of twelve standing stones bearing carvings of Runes.

In the modern Paris, lively arcs of light rebounding from building to building form stupendous structures extended over the whole city such as pentagrams, circles, and Sri-Yantras or Stars of David. These constellations in stone, beyond their sacred geometry signature, are encoding amazing stories. The temple-church devoted to the Magdalene, perfectly fitted in a thrice sacred structure forming the Lily of France's central petal, reveals how the Magdalene is linked to a royal line, and further back to Egypt and Isis - thus comforting Lincoln’s views.

The research on leys and sacred sites thus leads us toward a striking conclusion: that the Sacred Network was meant to be a crucial evolutionary force prodding humanity into a higher consciousness—the connection between sacred sites all over Earth foreshadowing the leap of humanity into an attuned collective consciousness.

   My data give unprecedented weight to the theories advocating that Maria Magdalene was of a royal descent from Egypt as well as a priestess in ancient cults; that she was the spouse and first disciple of Christ and that Their descent became the Bloodline of the Merovingians. These theories have been worked out by renown authors such as Henry Lincoln and Dan Brown in his Da Vinci Code.

  They also suggest that a higher dimension of consciousness (accessed by the great sages of ancient times) could be befalling humanity in a very near future and steer a fantastic new evolution on Earth – as developed by Colin Wilson in his From Atlantis to the Sphinx.

  However, The Sacred Network is strikingly original in the sense that the data are neither historical nor  literary, but instead based on traceable and sound phenomena as well as on actual figures made out of leys and energy lines. It's a whole new range of proofs that gives credence to the predictions of the Sufis and of philosopher Teilhard de Chardin. Chris H. Hardy’s decoding of the Sacred Network and her predictions are based on two decades of research and experience of consciousness as well as on a comprehensive knowledge of the major spiritual paths on Earth.

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