by Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D.
Submitted to Journal of
Nonlocality (Nov 30, 2015)
Five groups of anomalies regarding
spacetime laws reveal ‘beyond spacetime’ processes and point to a meta region
of the universe that would accommodate them. They are (1) the nonlocality in
entanglement, (2) nonlocality in psi processes; (3) a subquantum (sub-Planckian)
region at the origin of the universe (preceding the emergence of matter, space,
and time), as well as at the subquantum scale in general; (4) a non-material
‘dark energy’ filling the cosmos; and (5) speeds breaking the speed of light C
during the inflation phase. Moreover, the connective and/or semantic properties
of these anomalies rule out a quantum vacuum or quantum mechanics (QM)
explanation as well. Such a ‘beyond spacetime’ region, in cosmology, has to be
modeled as a hyperdimension (HD). The Infinite
Spiral Staircase Theory (ISST, Hardy 2015) posits a triune hyperdimension—of
hyperspace, hypertime and consciousness—, that allows all five anomalies regarding
spacetime (e.g. nonlocality in entanglement and in psi, origin of the universe
and subquantum scale) while laying a cogent grounding for meaningful (semantic)
interconnectedness and mind-over-matter influences as exhibited both by psi and
by the connective dynamics of mind and consciousness in Semantic Fields Theory.
Keywords: Physics of consciousness and
psi; Entanglement; Mind over matter; Hyperdimension of consciousness; Retrocausality;
Information field at the origin.
Nonlocality has
been established via the entanglement experiments, and defined as an exchange of information or a correlation between distant
paired particles that cannot imply a signal transmission through linear space.
Since space is indissolubly enmeshed with time in the spacetime of General Relativity (GR), nonlocality thus reveals a
‘beyond spacetime’ process. Another four groups of anomalies also point to such ‘beyond
spacetime’ processes, at odds with GR. The first one regroups psi phenomena,
evidenced as nonlocal processes by numerous experiments. The second group
addresses (a) the origin of the universe before the Planck scale (or quantum
scale, at 10-43 second of the universe) that allowed the first
particles, and thus space and time to exist, as well as (b) any point in
spacetime coordinates at a sub-Plankian scale. The third anomaly is the
existence of dark energy, about 69%
of the total energy of the universe, and of which we know only that it is not
ordinary matter or particles; some physicists view it as ‘quintessence,’ an
unknown type of energy made of tachyonic (faster-than-light—FTL) virtual
particles. The fourth anomaly resides in the inflation phase of the universe
(at 10-36 second, just above Planck scale) that reached million of
times C. It is argued in this paper that, since the speed of light’s limit C is
an absolute constraint of spacetime, any clear contravention of this law, as
well as of the other main laws of spacetime and the electromagnetic force,
reveals a ‘beyond spacetime’ region—such region, in cosmology, having to be
modeled as a hyperdimension (HD). Moreover, the five groups of anomalies
(including the entanglement) show us that such HD must also accommodate
meaningful (semantic) interconnectedness and mind-over-matter influences.
The Infinite Spiral Staircase Theory (ISS
theory) (Hardy 2015, 2015a, 2015b), by positing a triune hyperdimension (of
hyperspace, hypertime and consciousness), offers such modeling that gives a
foundation to all five anomalies, as well as a grounding for meaningful
(semantic) interconnectedness and mind-over-matter influences as exhibited both
by psi and by the connective dynamics of consciousness in Semantic Fields
Theory (Hardy 2001).
The entanglement
experiments that have proven
nonlocality use protocols derived from John Bell’s Inequalities also called
Bell’s Theorem. With this theorem, Bell offered in 1964 a mathematical
refutation of Von Neumann’s argument against all types of hidden (deterministic)
variables (that would have undermined QM indeterminacy); Bell concluded that if
local hidden variables were forbidden, nonlocal ones—such as Bohm’s Quantum
Potential and Pilot waves—were certainly allowed. The first experimental
support of nonlocality was given by John Clauser, but a sound proof was
achieved by Alain Aspect in Orsay, in his 1982 series of experiments.
As noted by numerous physicists and psi researchers,
psi phenomena present several aspects that contravene Einsteinian Relativity
physics but mimic Quantum Mechanics (QM) behaviors—such as nonlocality and
entanglement, retrocausality, the observer/experimenter effect—and yet psi
phenomena are definitely mental processes, i.e. implying consciousness. In this
perspective, Josephson and Pallikari-Viras (1991) argue that the nonlocal
interconnectedness instantiated between entangled paired particles is the basis
of psi phenomena (e.g. telepathy, remote-viewing, psychokinesis or PK), the
reality of which has been established by hundreds of laboratory experiments. Also,
a number of QM physicist—such as Heisenberg, Planck, Wigner, von Neumann,
Stapp, Walker, Sarfatti—have implied the observer, and thus consciousness, in
the collapse of the wavefunction (Hardy 2015, chap. 6). A position that is well
resumed by John Wheeler’s 1977 formula “Mind and universe are complementary”
and expounded in Robert Jahn’s and Brenda Dunne’s Margins of Reality.
Psi exhibits nonlocality in two ways: beyond the brain and beyond
spacetime. It thus broadens the strict definition of nonlocality in physics.
the brain. The ‘receptive psi’ is defined as
a reception of information at a distance in space (remote viewing, telepathy)
without any causal or perceptive mechanism; or from a distant time in the
future (precognition) or in the past (retrocognition). Thus psi (and therefore
consciousness) is radically different from the local functioning of the brain
and perception, and can operate independently from it (as seen in the anomalous
cognition shown by clinically brain-dead patients). Furthermore, for a person, psi
information can be received or be expressed through a variety of channels in
the mind-body-psyche system: anomalous vision, audition or touch sensation,
interoceptive perception, empathy at a distance, unconscious expression, body
movements, anomalous verbal or written reception, altered state and meditative
states, etc. Therefore psi processes
are much more labile and flexible than just a wired capacity in the brain. This, in my
view, shows that the way psi operates is beyond language and implies a
fundamental level of organization of biosystems (Hardy 1998, 2000; Tart 1969). This
is in accord with Josephson and Pallikari-Viras (1991) predicating that
biosystems develop their own (first-person) self-meaningful links and exchanges
that bypass the (third-person) dynamics studied in physics and are able to skew
probabilities. Furthermore, such a basic type of meaningful exchange between
biosystems supports the concept of a proto-consciousness in all living beings (at
the very least), even those who do not have brains.
Beyond spacetime. Psi is
not bound by the inverse square law of electromagnetism, since there’s no decrease
of its effect at enormous distances, as shown by the successful Earth-Moon psi
experiment that Edgar Mitchell performed during the Apollo 14 mission (Mishlove
1997, Mitchell 1996). In many experiments on bio-PK (the influence of mind over
biological systems), the distance to the targets was accrued without any
decrease of the psi results. Furthermore, psi functioning is unconstrained by
the EM spectrum waves: it operates inside Faraday cages and at a great
submarine depth (Targ & Puthoff 2005, Mishlove 1997, Schwartz 2007).
Of course this doesn’t mean that
psi operates only and necessarily in these nonlocal modes given that many
processes involve a conventional interaction with space and/or time, but it
underlines that psi is neither bound nor constrained by spacetime laws. Based
on these premises, ISST postulates that the processes of consciousness (to
which psi belongs) instantiate a different, more global, layer of reality—an
extra or meta dimension, distinct from spacetime, which is best modeled, in
physics, as a hyperdimension.
The emergence of the concept of hyperdimension (HD) in
physics stems from the endeavors to integrate the four fundamental forces
within a unified theory, as envisioned at first by Einstein. Basically, two
domains of physics—General Relativity (GR) and Quantum mechanics (QM)—, each
with a set of laws and equations, were equally successful at accounting for
physics processes, and both led to precise predictions that were substantiated
and corroborated by experiments and/or observations. The challenge
can be phrased thus: how can physics integrate in one unified theory the
stringent fixed laws of spacetime with the indeterminacy and nonlocality of the
quantum scale? Let’s note that particles, having mass or matter-energy, are
still bound (theoretically) by the foremost spacetime law, that of the speed of
light limit. Yet, the Zero-Point fluctuations field (ZPF), modeled within QM,
is a state of turbulence and of oscillations of virtual particles in the
vacuum, a clear indeterminacy.
The situation was similar to the ancient opposition between
the assumption of light as waves (proven by Thomas Young
in his 1803 double-slit experiment), and that of light as particles (proven
mathematically by Einstein in 1905 in solving the photoelectric effect). The century-old
debate on the nature of light could be solved only by accepting a dual nature
of light, positing that a particle never goes without a wave, and vice-versa,
and Louis de Broglie extended this axiom, beyond the photons, to all particles,
such as electrons.
However, the two sets of laws—Relativity theory accounting
for massive bodies in spacetime, and QM accounting for the particles scale—had
also widely different dimensions and units, such as the spin in QM. A mathematical
solution in order to unify the two domains was thus to add extra dimensions,
leading to five main superstring models with 10 dimensions, fusioned in 1995 by Edward Witten in the 11D M-theory.
The first scientist to model a HD was Theodor Kaluza who, in 1919,
conceived of a brilliant way to rewrite Einstein’s General Relativity equations
by introducing a 5th dimension (in effect, a 4th
dimension of space). To his great surprise, this solution was also nesting and
producing two sets of equations: the EM field equations of Maxwell and
Einstein’s field equations for gravity, and additionally a scalar field
equation called the radion. Then, in 1926, Oskar Klein developed further Kaluza’s
theory, by positing that the 5th dimension had a physical reality,
and was curled up in a tiny circle,
the radius of which was at the Planck
scale (i.e. exactly Planck length, 10-33 centimeters).
The logician
Kurt Gödel has predicated that any operative system of rules (or laws) cannot
base its self-consistency (or validity) internally, but needs an external, more
encompassing system to do so (Gödel, 1992). Gödel's incompleteness theorem thus shows that any system of rules is
necessarily incomplete and needs a more global system, literally, a metadimension, in order to ground its
self-consistency (meta, in Greek, means
beyond, or more global).
However, as
Klein predicated it, it seems more and more evident that an extra dimension,
such as a Kaluza-Klein 5th dimension, beyond being a mathematical or
abstract solution, is also a physics necessity—and this shows the deep coherence
between on the one hand, maths and physics, and on the other hand between maths
and nature. This coherence could be the reason why elegant and beautiful
theories have, according to many physicists, the greatest probability to be
‘true’ and an exact description of reality (Trinh Xuan Thuan, 2000).
Nonlocality at the origin of the universe and at a
subquantum scale
A second group
of anomalies (in regard to spacetime laws) happens at the origin of the
universe. Firstly, during the inflation phase, at 10-36 of the first
second and now equated to the Big Bang, the universe bloated to 1050
times its size in a split instant. This led the pioneers of the inflation
theory Alan Guth and then Andrei Linde, to calculate that this process happened
at million times the speed of light C. Secondly, long before this inflation
phase, at precisely 10-43 of the first second, the radius of the
universe reaches Planck length and Planck scale. Before this, there can be no
particles—and therefore no matter, no space, no time, and consequently no
causality; and of the four forces, only gravity exists before Planck scale.
What is there then before Planck scale? Some physicists propose a field of
information. Several invoke a state of supersymmetry, a unified substrate with
as many particles as anti-particles, that would lead to a series of
symmetry-breaking transitions, such as the decoupling of matter from radiation,
starting with the decoupling of the neutrinos at the first second, and then
that of the photons at 102 seconds. However, supersymmetry can
happen only much later with the Higgs field, a quark-gluon plasma existing
between 10-12 and 10-10 second, and consequently it
cannot explain what happens before Planck scale, i.e. before any particles are
physicists thus point that below Planck scale the universe is ruled by another
type of physics altogether, among them Yakov Zel’dovich, who first figured that
the Planck length is a “cut-off,” a threshold before which no particle or EM
wave could exist. Thus before Planck scale, we reach a totally anomalous state
of the universe, beyond spacetime and beyond matter. Let’s note that any point
in spacetime coordinates can open on such subquantum scale or region—thus as
Klein underlined it, on the 5th dimension—, and particularly any
particle, as it is modeled as a dimensionless point in Relativity theory.
As the
sub-Planckian region (at the universe’s origin) existed before spacetime came
to be, it is by definition nonlocal, i.e. not bound by the constraints of
spacetime (such as the time arrow, the speed of light C, or causality). We thus
meet here the same type of quasi instant faster-than-light (FTL) transmission
of information as instantiated by entangled particles in an EPR-type experiment
(along the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen, or EPR thought experiment, that John Bell
refined). Thus we can argue that the speed of light C expresses a limit only
within spacetime, or more precisely, that it sets a boundary to spacetime and
General Relativity theory (GR), and that, consequently, any FTL, by breaking spacetime’s
C barrier, points up both a hypertime and an extra dimension.
alternative way to explain such FTL within the spacetime region would be the
Varying Speed of Light (VSL) hypothesis, developed (independently) by physicist
John Moffat in 1992 (Perimeter Institute) and in 1999 by cosmologists João
Magueijo (Imperial College) and Andreas Albrecht (UC Davis) (Magueijo 2003;
Hebden 2012). Let’s note that this VSL solution is a competitor to the
inflation theory and would be put into question if the discovery of primordial
gravitational waves in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) was to be
confirmed. These waves (appearing as a specific ‘B-mode’ polarization of the
CMB) should be produced by the expansion of space during the inflation phase
and thus would substantiate inflation theory. On March 17, 2014, the team of
the BICEP2 (Background Imaging of Cosmic
Extragalactic Polarization) telescope at the South Pole announced the
detection of the very ‘B-mode’ polarization linked to inflation, but six months
later the PLANCK space telescope team explained it as being due to cosmic dust.
However In October 2014,
scientists of the POLARBEAR experiment were able not only to measure B-mode
polarization, but to ascertain that it was of cosmological origin, thus corroborating
inflation theory.
Nonlocal entanglement as an anomaly regarding QM indeterminacy
To further the Infinite
Spiral Staircase argument, in an EPR experiment, the entangled paired particles
(photons or electrons) are themselves existing in spacetime, but their entanglement instantiates nonlocality
and is rooted beyond spacetime. And this leads us to a possible solution, the
ISS hypothesis, namely that the process of entanglement reveals and expresses
the workings of a hyperdimension beyond the boundary of spacetime that would precisely
be the bulk of the HD, a quasi
spatial (or hyperspatial) region encompassing spacetime; this bulk would be blended
with the hyperdimension at the origin, both operating at a sub-Planckian scale.
Now, interestingly, the entanglement also reveals degrees of freedom (i.e. extra
dimensions) distinct from the quantum indeterminacy: According to Pauli’s laws of spin, the total angular momentum
of the two entangled particles must be equal to zero (e.g. one lefthanded spin
-1/2 + one righthanded spin +1/2 = 0). Thus, whereas each particle’s spin
appears to be probabilistic, Pauli’s complementarity of spins is definitely not
an indeterministic law when one considers the global system itself consisting
of the two entangled particles (and expressed by a single wavefunction).
no-indeterminacy of entanglement shows an anomaly or boundary within the QM (Copenhagen)
interpretation that postulates the indeterminacy of quantum events and that sets
their apprehension only in terms of probabilities. Yet QM has been corroborated
in so many ways that we cannot deny its reality, but only delimit it to a
certain region or scale, at the very least that of the quantum vacuum and Zero-point
Fluctuations field or ZPF (in which case a hyperdimension, being below this
quantum scale, would not contradict QM).
The entanglement
anomaly thus reveals a boundary to both spacetime (GR) and the quantum domain
(QM), similar to the anomalous FTL processes underlining the boundary of
spacetime. For both GR and QM to preserve the consistency of their system of
laws/processes (their scientific domain), the anomalies have to be set outside
of these systems and we need therefore to postulate a meta or extra dimension.
Thomas Kuhn held, in his 1970 study on The
structure of scientific revolutions, that anomalies in a scientific domain
would eventually become the stuff of a new paradigm, a new scientific
worldview, but also the foundations of the system of laws of a novel meta-domain.
So that we have a solid and cogent ground for
hypothesizing that a hyperdimension beyond spacetime exists in the universe at a
sub-Planckian scale or level of organization. This hyperdimension (HD) would (1)
exist below Planck scale as hyperspace, both at the origin and at any point of spacetime;
(2) be distinct from both the spacetime region and the quantum vacuum; (3) instantiate
an extremely high FTL (as hypertime); (4) be clearly non-material and not bound
by material causality, and yet non-random—i.e. not bound by the laws of both
spacetime and the quantum vacuum; (5) express coherent exchanges of information
and very possibly of matter-organization (as a teleportation derived from
Dark energy: a non-material energy, thus beyond spacetime?
Now, another set
of data reveals the measure of this extra or hyper dimension, namely the
discovery of dark energy and dark matter, both being of an enigmatic nature but
certified not to be ordinary matter (the stuff of particles, gas clouds and galaxies).
Dark energy and dark matter account respectively for 69% and 26% of the total
energy of the universe (according to the most recent and precise March 2013
PLANCK cosmology probe measurements), which leaves only 5% for ordinary matter.
We thus have 95% of the energy of the universe whose nature is a total mystery,
apart from the fact it is not matter,
and the case for dark energy is even more compelling since its energy density
is repulsive, and thus opposite to the gravitational effect setting an attractive
force. Several physicists (such as John Brandenburg, Jack Sarfatti) view dark
energy as consisting of virtual anti-particles with tachyonic speed.
In a perfectly
sound physics logic, we can deduce that only 5% of the nature of the universe
is actually covered by the entire field of physics and cosmology—that is,
physics has reached at the present only 5% of its knowledge domain. A
conclusion imposes itself: physics can no longer be founded on a matter or
materialist paradigm that claims matter to be the only reality (with
consciousness being only a by-product of the bio-matter of the brain) and thus
local material causality to be the only rule. This materialistic and
reductionist set of assumptions is shredded to pieces by (1) entangled
processes, (2) the pre-Planck scale, and (3) dark energy. Physics, therefore,
necessitates a post-materialist paradigm; however, this doesn’t entail to
remain captive of the forceful antinomy dualism-monism (spiritualist paradigm
versus realism), nor of the concept of a creator as a person. It just entails
to posit a hyperdimension of consciousness and/or “active information” (in the
Bohmian sense); and this could be achieved by positing Pilot waves able to
‘guide’ or ‘pilot’ the wavefunctions via a Quantum Potential (Bohm 1980; de
Broglie 1939), or else by hyperdimensional semantic
fields able to bend probabilities at the quantum scale and/or guide the
organization of events and matter processes (Hardy, 1998). In the first case, let’s
note, though, that Bohm’s and de Broglie’s Pilot waves are modeled as the waves
attached to Standard Model particles (e.g. they are the wave aspect of
particles and thus integrated in wavefunctions within spacetime), and therefore
to achieve our objectives, Bohm’s still mysterious Quantum Potential, already a
nonlocal term in the psi wavefunction, would have to become also a
hyperdimensional force or energy.
As we have seen, psi implies nonlocality as its processes
operate (a) beyond the brain, (b) beyond spacetime, and (c) beyond material
causality—therefore in a meta dimension of reality; and, as I have argued, b and c demand that this metadimension
be a hyperdimension distinct from the spacetime region, and yet grounded in a
physics allowing nonlocal consciousness, such as the one referred to as hyperphysics by Bernard Carr, and
involving brane sheets (2D surface branes) in a hyperspace (Carr 2009).
But in ISST psi processes involve more than just a hyperspace—via the mental capacity to
perceive and affect distant events/objects as if 3D ordinary space was not a
barrier; and a hypertime—via the
mental capacity to perceive events and to communicate with minds in the past or
future as if 1D ordinary time was not a barrier. Let’s see the specifics.
and psychosocial factors working via the syg hyperdimension
(1) The fact that intention
and will (conative processes) can direct or influence psi results as in healing
experiments, implies free will capacities,
that is, the ability to set goals for oneself (even if it just means accepting
the targets chosen randomly in an experiment).
(2) It has been experimentally proven that psychosocial factors have an effect of
psi results; these are factors such as relational bonds and openness, one’s
beliefs and expectations, one’s positive thinking and self-confidence (as in
the sheep-goat effect and experimenter effect). This shows that the dimension
of consciousness, and specifically of individualized minds, are a set of
properties within this hyperdimension.
(3) Emotional,
semantic and meaningful factors have an effect on psi results. Such emotional
response to a future target or event
have been demonstrated (a) in presentiment experiments (Radin 2004), and (b) in
the precognitive collective unconscious reaction to imminent world-wide
emotional shocks, as presented in the Global Consciousness Project (GCP)
experiments (Radin
& Nelson 1989, Nelson et al 1996). For example, a few hours before
such world-wide shocks as the death of Diana, the twin towers attack, or
Charlie Hebdo’s attack, the distribution of randomness among many Random Events
Generators (REGs) disseminated on the planet shows an enormous peak away from
the baseline.
With these conative, psychosocial, and semantic factors
having an effect on psi, our HD is now infused with consciousness,
individualized thoughts, and self-awareness (as in knowing one’s own beliefs),
and it allows a meaningful interaction with others and the world.
Mind over matter processes via the syg-fields
of all systems
The fact that the psyche is able to affect biosystems has
been demonstrated chiefly by psychokinesis (PK) or ‘healing’ experiments on
biological systems such as bacteria or tissues in Petri dishes, blood samples,
electric fishes, mice and the likes, in biological laboratories and using
double blind protocols. This type of targets being immune to suggestion renders
an explanation by the placebo effect irrelevant. More than 150 ‘bio-PK’ experiments
have demonstrated that the mind and consciousness are able to not only interact
with biosystems, but moreover to influence them through directed intention—a
definite PK effect. Another set of ‘micro-PK’ experiments have shown that the
mind can have an influence on random processes as well. The thorniest,
and at the same time the most exciting question is by which processes, or
means, does consciousness interact so deeply with matter that it can, with a
simple intention, modify the organization and growth of biological matter? While
these facts are amply proven (one meta-analysis sets the odds for them at one
chance in a trillion) their modus
operandi (mode of operation) remains clouded in mystery, just like the
nature of gravity, or the entanglement of particles. Yet ISST and Semantic
Fields Theory (SFT) may shed light on a physics dynamics and substrate of the
process, understood thus: A semantic constellation in the mind (such as an intention or
visualized aim), is able to supersede itself to the semantic field of a biosystem
(or that of a random system) and modify its organization. The actual rate of success in an experimental meta-analysis
is of little import compared to the fact that we are witnessing, with the mind
and consciousness, an efficient cause operating nonlocally and its effect on
biosystems and natural systems. The fact that it has happened is enough to
upset the materialistic paradigm that needs it to be strictly impossible, due
mainly to its assumption that consciousness is a product of the brain and entirely
localized in it, thus forbidding any effect at a distance.
All these conative, emotional, psychosocial, and semantic
factors imply consciousness in its fundamental reality, since the Semantic
Fields theory (Hardy 1998) defines consciousness as the process of attributing
meaning to the world, to others and to ourselves, via a constant reorganization
of our individual and collective semantic fields (and of course, any emotion,
behavior, interaction, and thought, is loaded with meaning and their dynamic
networks are the stuff of our personal semantic field).
Only a theory granting a hyperdimension of self-organized
consciousness to all beings and systems, with its own hyperdimensional and
tachyonic energy linked to consciousness (syg-energy)
can allow systems to interact so deeply for minds to influence the organization
of matter. Let us take the case of healing. ISST doesn’t view it exactly as
mind modifying matter; but rather as a stronger semantic field imposing its
organization or vision on another weaker semantic field (e.g. that of a sick
organ, or that of a depressed mindset). So that we have a much more cogent
interaction in terms of physics: the like interacting with the like, via a
common substrate, the sygons
constituting syg-energy: ISST postulates that virtual particles called sygons
(endowed with specific frequencies) are launched from the ISS (or phi-based spiral)
unfolding from the origin up to Planck scale and the inflation phase. These
immensely faster-than-light sygons will constitute the semantic fields of all
systems (their hyperdimensional level) and are the medium of their nonlocal
exchanges and inter-influence. In other words, in bio-PK, networks of sygons
are swapping qualified information (meanings, goals, healing intentions) with
the target system. Only in a second phase will the target semantic field (that of
the sick organ), now infused with a healthy and balance order, transmit or
impose its novel semantic organization on its own cells and molecular configuration,
thus healing itself by virtue of its re-equilibrated semantic field.
In this specific domain, we meet Sheldrake’s morphogenetic
fields, since he viewed these as guiding the morphogenesis and thus the
organization of biological systems. The crucial parallel is that a field on
another dimension (in Sheldrake’s case a field of form, in ISST a
hyperdimensional semantic field) would have the capacity to organize and
reorganize a biological organism. However, Sheldrake never expounded the
configuration of these fields and how the process invoked (‘morphic resonance’)
worked (whereas SFT did) nor the nature of the fields (whereas ISST does).
Thus, psi and consciousness are explained in a sound way by
the consciousness or Syg hyperdimension via the quite stupendous properties of
faster-than-light sygons, this syg energy launching semantic connective and network processes able to modify the
organization of biosystems and matter-systems. (The connective dynamics of
semantic fields, their coupling with brains, and their evolution, are discussed
at length in Networks of Meaning.) We
have now a cosmos-size field of consciousness made of an immense number of
embedded and interacting semantic fields (individual ones such as minds, and
collective ones such as cultures, religions, or sciences). Each single mind is
thus a complex and multilevel network of semantic constellations (Hardy 2003),
having the capacity, given specific conditions, to influence—via their own
intention and will—the semantic-field layer of resonant or coupled complex
Attractors set by intentions and the Experimenter Effect
Semantic Field Theory (SFT) has modeled precisely the way
our intentions and anticipations create a multilevel web (a specific type of semantic
field) rooted both in the future time and the present time, that acts as a Retrocausal Attractor favoring the
anticipated event (Hardy 2003). When, in the present, we intend something, or anticipate,
or make a positive thinking technique (e.g. a visualization) about a future
event, we create weighted paths
between the two time-frames and events—paths that are in effect bending odds
and attracting the realization of the visualized situation or event. This syg
influence will be much stronger when the intentions are rehearsed and
reinforced, as in a recurrent visualization technique.
First of all, in a simple psychological sense: our
psychomental disposition and state of consciousness during a visualization will
predispose us, at the future time, to a mindset and behaviors favoring the
visualized event. But SFT adds that the semantic constellation is indeed rooted
in the future time and environment—due to the fact that the Semantic Dimension (now
the Syg hyperdimension) is beyond spacetime and thus able to connect with any
coordinates in space and time. The visualization at the present time creates an
Event-in-Making semantic constellation that (being in the Semantic dimension
itself) is spread over the physical linear time (of spacetime), and rooted both
in the present of each visualization and in the future spacetime coordinates.
And this constellation (1) retrojects its configuration (mental and physical)
back to us, thus retroactively and in a retrocausal way. And (2) it
simultaneously creates its niche in the future spacetime, attracting all
relational and physical elements needed for its completion—hence creating
synchronicities and serendipitous opportunities also retroactively, between the
future time and the present, all favoring the realization of our visualization
and positive thinking. Of note is the fact that the Retrocausal Attractor
effect is working from the future syg-constellation backward, and modifying the
organization of matter-systems and biosystems in the continuous present via a retrocausal PK effect. Also noteworthy
is its proactive effect, with the present syg-constellation influencing
proactively the future situation as well, including an effect on the future
environment (human and physical), and thus setting a definite ‘forward PK’
component. This Retrocausal Attractor can also be orchestrated by a couple, a
group, a society—as in the case of the healing effect of group prayer (Schwartz &
Dossey 2010).
The modeling of the Retrocausal Attractor gives a foundation
(in terms of physics and complex systems or chaos theory) to the experimental
evidence of the effects of positive thinking on health (Seligman 2006), the
effects of beliefs and expectations on performance, and of the
observer/experimenter effect on measurements or experimental results.
It is also a fact of
experience for many researchers that there exists a collective dimension to
consciousness. Yet, the theories put forward give only a basis for the ‘memory’
(or data reservoir) aspect of this collective consciousness or field—such as
that of Ervin Laszlo, or Rupert Sheldrake. Much more difficult is to account
for the creative, innovative, intentional, and free thinking aspects of
consciousness, as well as for its extreme flexibility, variety, and divergent
processes. And most of all, for its capacity for self-reflection
(self-reference), anticipation, and the power to transform itself internally.
The triune
hyperdimension as the One-plural, a global consciousness field
Given that this hyperdimension of consciouness (Syg HD), co-exist
and co-evolve with a hyperspace and a hypertime, the solution of ISST is to
posit a triune HD, a braid with three entwined strands: hyperspace (Center),
consciousness (Syg), and hypertime (Rhythm)—a CSR hyperdimension
opening at the Planck length and operating below Planck scale, in any particle
and system in the universe, including at its origin. This CSR hyperdimension
thus instantiates:
- (via Syg:) a cosmic consciousness, plus a syg dimension
and semantic fields and processes in all systems; self-consciousness and
self-reference in the most evolved ones, such as intelligent civilizations and
beings in the universe;
(via Center:) self-organization via networks dynamics and individualization
(organizational closure) of all systems;
(via Rhythm:) FTL communication and exchanges in resonant systems through the sygons;
A topology in hyperspace in the form of a phi-based or golden spiral (the ISS)
- a holographic system at the global scale, in which the
collective consciousness (via its field of information imprinted in the cosmic
ISS at the origin) is in constant 2-way flow and communication with the
individual ISS of all systems.
The FTL sygons populating the hyperdimension are a semantic energy—an energy of
consciousness able to effect work and actions in spacetime (the very physics
definition of energy). The sygons provide the dynamics of instantaneous exchanges of complex information between
semantic fields of any type—whether natural systems, plants, animals, objects,
or evolved minds. Semantic processes driven by sygons use connective dynamics—such
as network-linkages, inter-influence, and co-evolution between systems. They
also include the reorganization and in-forming of matter- and bio-systems by
psycho-mental processes (such as intentions, needs, and emotional bonding). The
connective dynamics instantiated by sygons operate through resonances of
meaning and semantic links of any kind; these are clearly semantic dynamics
involving body-consciousness, the psyche and minds.
Thus, at any point in spacetime (in any particle and
system), the triune CSR hyper-dimension opens at Planck scale and operates
below it as an individualized ISS spiral bearing a near-infinite databank about
the whole universe and this individualized system. So that, like pores on the
skin opening on the air outside our bodies, each individual ISS opens on the
bulk of the cosmic hyperdimension, itself in sync with the HD at the origin.
The cosmic hyperdimension is indeed a whole, the One, whether at the origin or
within the bulk; it pervades spacetime systems below Planck scale—and in this respect, it can be modeled using an ontological argument (Hardy
2015, 2015b). It is the collective unconscious, the Tao and Brahman. It is
Plotinus’ “One immaterial,” the soul of the universe pervading all its parts.
ISST postulates that the hyperdimension of consciousness
exists not only at the beginning of the universe (in the cosmic Infinite Spiral
Staircase or ISS), but also at the core of any system in the universe, from
particles, to living beings, to galaxies. In all these systems, the
hyperdimension operates at a sub-Planckian scale, via the faster-than-light
sygons—the virtual strings/particles that are a dynamic semantic energy and
active information.
The syg hyperdimension allows a potential of consciousness
in all systems, a layer of meaningful organization and interaction called the
system’s semantic field. ISST thus
belongs to the broad philosophical stand of panpsychism,
that posits consciousness as pervading all beings and things in the universe,
to a different degree—from a proto-consciousness to an evolved self-referent intelligence
in human beings. Panpsychism has been heralded by the Greek philosophers Thales,
Plato and Plotinus, by the Advaita Vedanta philosophy in India and Tibetan
Buddhism. In modern times, by Leibniz, Spinoza, Whitehead, and recently David
Chalmers (1996), as well as the physicist Roger Penrose. The psi researcher
Dean Radin and his colleagues considered panpsychism as a sound explanation of
the observer effect, as stated in their 2012 report on an experiment using an
optical double-slit protocol, furthering the famous experiment by Thomas Young (Radin
et al, 2012).
The panpsychism of
ISS theory has very specific physics and cosmological features, as it derives
from a semantic or syg hyperdimension enmeshed with hyperspace and hypertime,
and existing in all systems at all scales in the universe.
The holographic
universe and the Anthropic Principle
The concept that the universe would be organized as a
hologram has first been expounded in quantum physics by David Bohm (1980, Bohm & Hiley
1993), and then in brain sciences by Karl
Pribram (1991). However, in
Alexandria in the third century CE, the Greek philosopher Plotinus taught that
the cosmos was One, a whole, holographic, system and conscious due to a cosmic
soul (psyche in Greek, anima in Latin). He states "This
universe (…) has in itself a soul
(psyche), who pervades all its parts." (Ennead 4) And also: "The immaterial [the One] is as a whole in
everything.” (Ennead 6.4) This is
exactly our modern concept of a hologram: a system in which all parts are in
interaction with the whole, and in which the information about the whole is
contained in any part. Moreover, if the whole (as cosmic soul) is in all things
and systems, how better to model it than by postulating a hyperdimensional and
(proto-)conscious layer in all systems—their semantic fields? Then the semantic
fields of all systems form the semantic dimension that, in ISST, is the Syg
hyperdimension, cosmic consciousness as a whole.
Closely related
is the Anthropic Principle (from the Greek anthropos,
human), that, in its strong version, hypothesizes that the universe is not only
a coherent and conscious whole (Gaia), but that it self-organizes toward
favoring life and intelligence. There are indeed around thirty parameters and
constants in the universe that are extremely fine-tuned; some of them allow a
long enough time for galaxies to form; others exhibit the precise ratios of
chemicals and physical constants necessary for the development of evolved life
forms, of intelligence and cultures.
Brian Carter (1974)
and James Lovelock (1979), argue for a ‘strong anthropic principle’ that is, an
underlying harmony rooted in the origin, that makes the universe to tend toward
favoring intelligent life. Similarly Ervin Laszlo (2004, 2009) grounds the
coherence and self-consistency of the whole universe and its fine-tuning (that
perforce imply FTL signal-transmission), in a holographic Akashic field.
According to the recent Holographic
the universe is a hologram which is isomorphic
to the information "inscribed" on the surface of its boundary. The
concept of a holographic universe (developed
by Nobel laureate Gerard ‘t Hooft and
then Leonard Susskind) states that all the information about the universe is inscribed on the 2D surface of
its cosmological horizon (the diameter of the observable universe being 92
billion light-years,
or 92Gly). Therefore the cosmic information is a measure of entropy
as a spectrum of microstates (Brandenburg & Hardy
2015). The quantum vacuum could be this curved surface boundary to
spacetime, being ‘imprinted’ with the information about all particles and
systems (Hardy 2015c). In such models, the information is not active in itself
and thus cannot be the means of a nonlocal communication and inter-influence
between systems. ISST offers a solution.
panpsychist framework
Semantic Fields Theory postulates that all physical systems
at all scales have a semantic field (syg-field in short), which is none than
their hyperdimension, with each particle and system having an individual
replica of the ISS bearing its own organization and information in an excited
state. Let’s view a human being as a mind-body-psyche system: The ISS of all
particles, molecules, and cells coalesce in a specific network-system that is
the syg-field of an organ, of a biosystem, or of a layer of organization, for
example a body proto-consciousness. The higher layers of consciousness, such as
minds, allow a self-referent intelligence, strongly coupled to the brain and
neuronal layers. (This self-organization is not hierarchical since it allows
for horizontal and transversal links between layers, instantiating both
top-down and bottom-up interactions between networks of processes.) The global
semantic field of an individual (the ensemble of their semantic networks and
constellations) is created, organized, and evolving via connective dynamics: it
is their hyperdimensional being, their spirit or soul.
Due to the fact that all matter-systems (e.g. a museum) and
bio-systems (e.g. a tree) also have such a hyperdimension (their syg fields),
these systems have a more or less evolved consciousness—a proto-consciousness
at the very least. Thus, via our individual semantic field, we are in constant
nonlocal exchange with all resonant syg-fields, not only our friends and
family, but also the places, animals, plants, machines, houses and gardens,
philosophies, and works of art that we love. With other beings, we form
networks of links and thus collective syg-fields, a group, a village, a
culture, a federation, up to the most global one: the planetary syg-field—Carl
Jung’s collective unconscious. The properties of sygons afford us with instant meaningful
and qualified links and exchanges with all resonant systems, through their own
syg-fields. It is the sygons that instantiate the nonlocal semantic dynamics,
the connection and inter-influence between syg-fields—meaningful and grounded
in similarities, resonance, and any type of links (from love, to hate, to
contiguity). The sygons provide us with a huge on-going network of interactions
driven by meaning and unimpeded by distance in time and space. The greater part
of these interactions and exchanges remain at the unconscious level, yet they
are the source from which stems the occasional emergence of psi information to awareness.
The faster-than-light (FTL) sygons creating semantic fields
and ongoing networks of links in the hyperdimension are what makes psi
possible, and they explain the nonlocality of entanglement and of
consciousness. In my view, only a hyperdimension populated by self-organizing
networks of FTL sygons (as tiny or large embedded semantic fields) can ground
and explain psi, both as a nonlocal information exchange, and as an influence
of mind over matter and biosystems. The sygons can also explain other types of
nonlocal and collective psychic phenomena—such as Jung’s synchronicity and
collective unconscious, the sharing of dreams, simultaneous discoveries, and
reincarnation-type of memory.
At the planetary level, the Syg hyperdimension is the ‘soul
of the Earth,’ a concept found in many cultures and religions, fitting Jung’s
collective unconscious and Teilhard de Chardin’s noosphere—also a memory field,
or Akasha. At the cosmic level, the syg hyperdimension is the ‘cosmic
consciousness,’ a global semantic field of meaningful interconnections, that is
plural and yet a whole: it is the Tao, the Brahman, the concept of the Whole,
the One.
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