Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D., Eco-Mind Systems Science.
(Submitted to Journal of Nonlocality – 9/21/2016 – Special issue on “Psi and the Nonlocal Mind,” Ed:
Ben Goertzel, PhD.)
Five types of processes display a
‘beyond spacetime’ property—or nonlocality
as evidenced in the quantum entanglement—, including psi, proven to operate
beyond-brain and beyond-spacetime. Together, these five anomalies are not only
at odds with Relativity but also with the indeterminacy of Quantum Mechanics.
However, in the same way as the four forces can only be unified via a
hyperdimension, a hyperdimension that includes a cosmic consciousness (together
with hyperspace and hypertime) may give a cogent foundation for all five
nonlocal anomalies.
The Infinite-Spiral-Staircase
Theory (ISST) posits such triune hyperdimension (HD) as all-encompassing in
the universe, preexisting to and pervading the spacetime region because it
dwells at a sub-Planckian scale—both at the origin and at any spacetime
coordinates in all systems. ISST accommodates the double-nature of
consciousness, mostly nonlocal and operating through the hyperdimension, and
partly embodied. The HD of a system is its dynamical meaningful organizational
layer, its semantic field (syg-field), more or less evolved, from a
proto-consciousness to a mind. The framework of ISST is panpsychist—with the
hyperdimensional sygons (syg energy) pervading any atom, cell, biosystem and
mind—, and is thus based on a deep, multilevel and distributed, mind-matter
coupling. The sygons, pure semantic (syg) energy, create instant nonlocal
connections between resonant semantic fields, thus explaining telepathy and psi
at large. All semantic interconnections imply an inter-influence between
syg-fields, the control variable of influence being the intensity of syg
energy. Once the syg-field of a system has been reorganized, the change takes
place within the matter- or bio- system.
Keywords: Consciousness in
the universe; cosmology; sub-Planckian scale; nonlocality; psi; hyperdimension;
materialist paradigm in science is checkmated by recent physics discoveries,
such as ordinary matter being only 5% of the total energy of the universe, mass
being no more an intrinsic property. The cutting edge and hard question in
cosmology and physics is: What exists before the very Planck scale—the first
quantum—before particles (matter), space, and time are allowed, and thus
causality? Physicists invoke an information-field, yet it has to be dynamical,
self-organized, immensely energetic, in order to launch the birth of the
universe. Altogether, five types of processes display a ‘beyond spacetime’ property
or nonlocality: (1) entanglement; (2)
psi (proven to operate beyond-brain and beyond-spacetime); (3) the
sub-Planckian region at the origin and in general; (4) a beyond-spacetime
non-material dark energy; (5) faster-than-light speeds during the inflation
Kaluza, in positing a 5th dimension, showed that only
hyperdimensional (HD) models could unify the four forces (Kaku 1994, Witten
1981, Brandenburg 2011);
similarly, the Infinite-Spiral-Staircase
Theory (ISST) argues that only a HD can integrate consciousness in the
universe in a way that may explain the nonlocality of psi; it poses a
hyperdimension of consciousness populated by faster-than-light, high-energy, sub-Planckian
sygons. This HD is in fact triune, a braid
of hyperspace (Center, C), hypertime (Rhythm, R) and consciousness (Syg, S). At
the universe’s origin, it is topologically organized as a double phi-based
golden spiral—a Kerr-type BlackHole-WhiteHole system—each (sub-Planckian) ISS
bearing a near-infinite databank of frequencies on the logarithm of phi or
Fibonacci sequence (Brandenburg & Hardy 2016). Within the terminal BH of
the parent universe, all matter-systems were translated into pure CSR
information or semantic fields; and through the WH, the CSR fields are
translated back from virtual sygons into post-Planck particles and matter
systems, still retaining the sygons as a 5th dimension at their core.
builds on the Semantic Fields Theory
(SFT) in modelling a level of semantic, proto-conscious layer of
organization in all systems—their semantic fields (syg-fields). As human beings,
our mind or consciousness is our global syg-field, the ensemble of all syg
constellations (of our Mind-Psyche-Body system) organized in dynamical networks
and steered by syg energy (Hardy 1998, 2001, 2003). The ensemble of all
semantic fields of human beings form the collective
unconscious, a nonlocal hyperdimension of consciousness at the planetary
scale. As the cosmos is a holographic system, the ensemble of all semantic
fields of all systems in the universe constitute the semantic hyperdimension as
a gigantic hologram, self-conscious and evolving; and this is why any
mind/syg-field is in synergy with the whole and may have an input into the
1.1. Consciousness is an essential dynamics in the universe
define consciousness as the interactive process of attributing meaning to our
inner experiences and our exchanges with others and the world, that allows us
to interact meaningfully with our social and physical environment; then any
psychic process implies consciousness given that all emotions, thoughts, goals,
behaviors, and actions, are loaded with meaning. Without consciousness, we
wouldn’t know we exist, or that there’s a universe, therefore we have a cogent
ground to state that consciousness is an essential dynamics in the universe.
Furthermore, in a General Systems Theory’ viewpoint, if consciousness and
intelligence exist at some point in the universe, then they are a potential
reality all along. Now, self-reflexive
(self-referent) consciousness is the process of being aware of one’s own
thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and to effect choices, act intentionally,
and exert free will. In other words, consciousness instantiates semantic
processes, it is the process of creating meaning that allows us to live and
think in a meaningful world.
let’s define psi as nonlocal semantic connections (at
a distance in both space and time),
with other minds or systems, that seem to contradict or violate
Newtonian-Einsteinian physics laws (especially the brain locality, the inverse
square law, linear time, and the speed of light limit). Despite being anomalous
or rare psychic processes, The reality of the main psi phenomena (e.g.
telepathy, remote-viewing, precognition, and bio-psychokinesis or bio-PK), has
been established by hundreds of controlled laboratory experiments; theories
about them abound, as well as applications by intelligence groups (Broderick
& Goertzel 2014, May et al, 2014), but one axiom shared by all researchers
is that they are mental phenomena—implying the mind and psyche, thus
consciousness. It follows that whatever properties and dynamics are
experimentally evidenced regarding psi have to be taken as the properties and
dynamics of consciousness (even if rare ones). This is why psi processes have
been a privileged object of study for several physicists, because they seem to
display the very behaviors posited for particles in quantum mechanics (QM). In
so doing, they are blatantly at odds with Relativity—the physics of spacetime—the very reason why
classical physicists tended to reject psi as ‘impossible.’ The excitement over
these relativistic spacetime anomalies and similarities with QM was such that
it has hardly been noticed that psi was also at odds with the purely
indeterministic axiom of QM in its Copenhagen interpretation.
1.2. Psi capacities at odds with classical physics (Relativity)
a number of physicists and psi researchers psi phenomena present several
aspects that contravene Einsteinian Relativity physics but mimic Quantum
Mechanics (QM) behaviors—such as nonlocality and entanglement, the
observer/experimenter effect, retrocausality—and yet psi phenomena are
definitely mental processes, i.e. implying consciousness. In this perspective,
Josephson and Pallikari-Viras (1991) argue that the nonlocal interconnectedness
instantiated between paired particles in entanglement experiments (of the EPR
type) is the basis of psi phenomena. Also, several QM physicists—such as
Heisenberg, Planck, Wigner, von Neumann, Stapp, Walker, Sarfatti—have implied
the observer, and thus consciousness, in the collapse of the wavefunction
(Hardy 2015, chap. 6). A position that is well resumed by John Wheeler’s 1977
formula “Mind and universe are complementary” and expounded in Robert Jahn’s
and Brenda Dunne’s Margins of Reality.
Experiments have established that the psyche can influence biosystems and skew
random events through intention
Bio-PK (bio-psychokinesis) refers to
the possible influence of mind over biological systems. More than 150 bio-PK
experiments on biological systems (most of which were immune to suggestion or
the placebo effect, such as bacteria or tissues in Petri dishes, blood samples,
electric fishes, mice and the likes) were conducted in laboratories (many using
double blind protocols) and were successful enough to ascertain this capacity
(Schwartz & Dossey 2010).
In micro-PK experiments, subjects are
asked to influence the behavior of a random system to meet a specific aim
(chosen randomly). The positive results have demonstrated that the mind can have an influence on random
The fact that our psyches, when strongly perturbed by shocking world-wide
events, can have an unconscious influence on random-events-generators (REGs)—and
thus modify the distribution of randomness in field settings—has been
demonstrated over two decades via the Global
Consciousness Project, a worldwide experiment set by Roger Nelson (Nelson et al, 1996; Radin & Nelson 1989).
This, for some researchers such as Roger Nelson, Dean Radin, Stephan Schwartz,
and myself, reveals that the psyches of all human beings are not only
communicating nonlocally but interwoven in what Carl Jung has termed the collective unconscious. (Radin 2006,
Schwartz 2007). In a recent 2012 experiment using an optical double-slit
protocol geared at studying patterns of interferences—originally developed by Thomas
Young in his famous 1803 experiment—Dean Radin showed, with an outstanding
probability (of p=6·10-6, over 250 trials) that consciousness had
indeed an influence on the collapse of the quantum wavefunction. The authors
(Radin et al, 2012) conclude by a
reference to panpsychism that could explain their results “if some aspect of
consciousness is a primordial, self-aware feature of the fabric of reality, and
that property is modulated by us through capacities we know as attention and
intention (…).”
In brief, bio-PK, by itself alone, demonstrates
that consciousness is able to perform a work—which is the precise definition of
an ‘energy’ in physics. My theoretical stand (in both SFT and ISST) is to
postulate that consciousness is an energy, and to use the term syg energy to refer to
consciousness-as-energy—the very energy of the HD, i.e. the sygons.
1.3. Psi capacities at odds with Quantum Mechanics
* Conative
processes (intention, will) and psychosocial factors steer psi results
showed that directed intention can have an influence on biosystems (the targets
being immune to suggestion renders an explanation by the placebo effect
irrelevant), as well as on random processes. Other experiments have demonstrated
that psychosocial factors influence the results (such as openness, beliefs,
expectations, self-confidence, positive thinking, meditation, creativity). The
fact that conative and psychosocial factors can influence matter systems and
biosystems is conflicting with the postulated indeterminacy of quantum events
in the Copenhagen QM—even if some other quantum processes such as coherence,
entanglement (interconnectedness at a distance), the observer effect, and
retrocausality are found in both QM and in Psi.
1.4. Consciousness is nonlocal: beyond the brain and beyond spacetime
exhibits nonlocality in two ways: beyond the brain and beyond spacetime. It
thus broadens the strict definition of nonlocality in physics.
* Beyond the brain
‘receptive psi’ is defined as a reception of information at a distance in space
(remote viewing, telepathy) without any causal or perceptive mechanism; or from
a distant time in the future (precognition) or in the past (retrocognition).
Thus psi (and therefore consciousness) is radically different from the local
functioning of the brain and perception, and can operate independently from
it—as seen in the anomalous cognition shown by clinically brain-dead patients.
Furthermore, for a person, psi information can be received or be expressed
through a variety of channels in the mind-body-psyche system: anomalous vision,
audition or touch sensation, interoceptive perception, empathy at a distance, unconscious
expression, body movements, anomalous visual, verbal or written reception,
altered states and meditative states, etc. Therefore psi processes are much
more labile and flexible than just a wired capacity in the brain. This, in my
view, shows that the way psi operates is beyond language and implies a
fundamental level of organization within biosystems (Hardy 1998, 2000; Tart
1969). This is in accord with Josephson and Pallikari-Viras (1991) predicating
that biosystems develop their own (first-person) self-meaningful links and
exchanges that bypass the (third-person) dynamics studied in physics and are
able to skew probabilities. Furthermore, such a basic type of meaningful
exchange between biosystems supports the concept of a proto-consciousness in all
living beings (at the very least), even those who do not have brains (Chalmers
* Beyond spacetime
‑ Some systematic neuronal
activity has been evidenced by B. Libet just before a perception becomes
conscious—about 300 millisecond before (Libet et al, 1979). Using Libet protocol and in the context of psi
experiments, this capacity of presentiment
has been corroborated, notably by Radin (2006), and Bem (2011).
Psi is not bound by the inverse square law of electromagnetism, since there’s
no decrease of its effect at enormous distances, as shown by the successful
Earth-Moon psi experiment that Edgar Mitchell performed during the Apollo 14
mission (Mishlove 1997, Mitchell 1996). In many experiments on bio-PK, the
distance to the targets was accrued without any decrease of the psi results.
Furthermore, psi functioning is unconstrained by the EM spectrum waves: it
operates inside Faraday cages and at a great submarine depth (Targ, Puthoff
& May 1979, Mishlove 1997, Schwartz 2007).
course this doesn’t mean that psi operates only and necessarily in these
nonlocal modes given that many processes involve a conventional interaction
with space and/or time, but it underlines that psi is neither bound nor
constrained by spacetime laws. Based on these premises, ISST postulates that
the processes of consciousness (to which psi belongs) instantiate a different,
more global, layer of reality—an extra or meta dimension, distinct from
spacetime, which is best modeled, in physics, as a hyperdimension.
I.5. Consciousness and psyche as nonlocal, trans-spatial and trans-temporal
Carl Jung (1960) defined synchronicities (including psi
phenomena), as meaningful coincidences between a mind and an event distant in
space or time. He stated that these processes were ‘acausal,’ revealing another
set of laws than spacetime causality, and were grounded in an underlying fabric
of the universe that, with physicist Wolfgang Pauli, he termed deep reality, and defined as a layer in
which psyche and matter were fusioned.
scientists have postulated that the psyche (or consciousness) is, in the words
of Carl Jung, “trans-spatial and trans-temporal” or, in the current
terminology, nonlocal (Jung, 1960).
Among them, physicists H. Walker, B. Josephson, F. Pallikari, O. Costa de
Beauregard; scientists S. Schwartz, L. Dossey, C. Hardy. And also that the
psyche was transpersonal (C. Jung, C. Tart, S. Krippner), and/or operating
between biosystems via meaningful relationships (R. Sheldrake 2009, C. Tart
1975), or via a collective psyche (R. Nelson, D. Radin).
scientists have argued, following Jung and Pauli, that the psyche could
instantiate synchronicities, that is,
meaningful correlations and coincidences at a distance in space or time (Jung &
Pauli, 1955), such as physicists D. Peat (1987), J. Sarfatti (2006), M.
Teodorani (2010); and systems and chaos theorists A. L. Combs and M. Holland
(1995), F. Abraham (Abraham et al,
1990), C. Hardy (2004).
scientists have shown experimentally that psi can be steered by meaning and intention, among them W. Braud, M. Schlitz,
H. Schmidt, C. Honorton, R. Berger.
Yet psi
information can also be received
unconsciously (C. Tart, R. Targ, H. Puthoff, M. Varvoglis), as evidenced by
physiological responses in DMILs experiments
(Direct Mental Interaction with Living Systems) by W. Braud, M. Schlitz,
D. Delanoy, B. Morris.
scientists view psi as an EPR-type of
entanglement, (the Einstein-Podolski-Rosen thought experiment), a nonlocal
exchange of information not mediated by relativistic spacetime; these include
systems scientist W. von Lucadou, psi researchers D. Radin, B. Dunne, and
physicists D. Bohm, R. Jahn, B. Josephson, H. Walker, and M. Teodorani.
David Bohm (1986) extended his implicate
order concept of an underlying field of interconnectedness, to state that
it supersedes distinctions between mental and physical events, between self and
not-self. Bohm thus explicitly allowed for nonlocal or transpersonal exchanges,
such as psi phenomena, viewing these as natural expressions of the underlying
interconnectedness: “The main unusual feature of parapsychological phenomena is
that they generally involve what may be called a nonlocal connection between
the consciousness of a person who is in one place and an object, event or
person in some distant place.”
Theories of Everything (TOEs) and most cosmological theories model solely a
matter universe, in which reigns either
causality in curved spacetime—via General Relativity (GR) & gravity, or randomness & indeterminacy at the
quantum scale—via Quantum Mechanics (QM).
2.1. Actual theories
* Relativity framework: in the leading
inflation theory (Alan Guth, 1980, 1997), during the inflation phase (or Big
Bang), happening at 10-36 second of the universe, the primeval
universe increased its size 1050 times, and the process happened at
million times the speed of light, during a supercooled phase—according to its
inventor, Alan Guth. Let’s note that the discovery of gravitational waves issued
from the merging of two Black Holes by the LIGO (Laser Interferometer
Gravitational-wave Observatory) team on February 11, 2016, has corroborated the
inflation phase and thus Inflation Theory. In the pre-inflation phase (pre-Big
Bang), the universe is a White Hole consisting of a Singularity + an event
horizon; spacetime is highly warped and all matter is crushed by gravity
(according to the Black holes’ Theorems
of Singularity by Stephen Hawking & Roger Penrose, 1970).
QM (random) framework: in the trendy
‘multiverse’ framework (L. Susskind, 2003), there is 1 chance over 10500
for us humans to inhabit our actual universe bearing galaxies, solar systems
and at least one intelligent civilization we know of—ours. Most of these
universes (or vacua) would not lead
to galaxies, even less so to life & minds, given there are about 20 extremely
fine-tuned constants that allow our universe to be thus.) Explanation: We just happened to hit the jackpot, since we are here
and can do science!
GR + QM: ‘Chaotic inflation model of
the multiverse’ (Andrei Linde, 1981,1994). What can allow a 1050
ratio of inflation? Numerous inflationary bubbles in spacetime, leading to
loads of universes, through symmetry breaking.
there something lacking in the main models? Yes: consciousness!
Positing a suite of universes (or universe bubbles, UB)
Budding universes, from Black Holes
of previous universes (Jack Sarfatti, Smolin)
Fecund Universes Theory (Lee Smolin, 1997).
Massive black holes (from dead stars) are the seed of budding universes,
retaining parameters from their parent universes.
Conformal Cyclic Cosmology (CCC) (Roger Penrose, 2010). A suite of
universes, or aeons, in which entropy is reset to zero at each beginning.
* Participatory
universe (John
Wheeler 1998, Jack Sarfatti 2006): A field of
information pervades the universe at the quantum vacuum scale, implying a “back-action” and
two-way exchange of information with the evolving universe.
Suite of universes + participatory. Infinite
Spiral Staircase Theory (ISST) (Chris Hardy, 2015). A Golden spiral at the
origin, setting a near infinite suite of frequencies (on the Fibonacci
sequence), bearing the information of all systems that were optimized in
previous universes (as Cosmic DNA).
2.2. Open questions in cosmology
* At the very
origin: spacetime and matter don’t exist yet
Planck scale (at a split fraction of the first second of the universe), the
universe reaches the scale of the first quantum; particles (thus matter) are
now allowed. At Planck time: 10-43 second, the universe’s radius is
Planck length: 1.616 x 10-33 centimeters. So… What is there before
Planck scale? There are neither particles (matter), nor space, nor time,
therefore no material causality; and of the 4 forces, only gravity exists (no EM
force, no weak or strong forces yet). Several physicists propose an ‘active
information’ or an ‘information field’ (David Bohm, Jack Sarfatti, John
* The Enigma of
dark energy
1998, we discovered the acceleration of the expansion of the universe, and thus
the existence of dark energy and dark matter. Ordinary matter (particles,
stars, nebulae) makes up only about 5%
the universe ‘s total energy (PLANCK probe, 2015*). Dark energy
accounts for 69%; it is a negative energy (repulsive radiation pressure), that
counteracts exactly the positive and attractive energy of gravity. As for dark
matter, a positive energy, it accounts for 26% of the total energy. The nature
of both dark energy and dark matter are unknown. Thus: 95% of the energy of the
universe is a total mystery… actual physics deals only with 5% of the universe
* Mass is no longer
an essential property of atoms
July 4, 2012, the detection of the Higgs boson (by the Large Hadron Collider, LHC,
at CERN in Geneva) proved that mass is acquired—via the interaction of the
virtual particles with the Higgs field, when the universe is already 10-10
second old (an immense time after Planck scale!).
brief, the materialist paradigm is running out of matter! It accounts for only
5% of the reality of the universe! In order to model the complex dynamics of
consciousness and mind-matter interactions, physics has to develop a novel
logic and a new paradigm—the materialist paradigm in science being now inadequate
and incurably limited (Carr, 2010).
3.1. Five groups of nonlocal anomalies (regarding General Relativity) point to ‘beyond spacetime’ processes, that is, a hyperdimension.
Nonlocality has been established via the entanglement
experiments, whose protocol (Bells’ theorem) has been devised by John Bell,
based on the famous Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen, or EPR, thought experiment.
Nonlocality is thus defined as an exchange of information or a correlation
between distant paired particles that cannot imply a signal transmission
through linear space. Since space is indissolubly enmeshed with time in the spacetime of Relativity, the
entanglement thus reveals a ‘beyond spacetime’ process. Thus, while the paired
particles (photons or electrons) are themselves existing in spacetime, their
entanglement instantiates nonlocality.
The second regroups psi phenomena,
evidenced as nonlocal processes by numerous experiments (as we have seen).
The third is the nonlocality of the sub-Planckian
scale—that is, below Planck scale, the emergence of the first quantum at 10-43
second of the universe, when the universe’s size is Planck length (1.616
X 10-33 centimeter). It’s only starting at this Planck scale and
above it that the first particles, space and time (and thus matter) are allowed
to exist, and consequently causality. This sub-Planckian scale happens (a) at
the origin of the universe before the Planck time and Planck length, but
moreover, (b) any point in spacetime coordinates may open on a sub-Planckian
scale, and it does if the 5th dimension exists, as posited by Kaluza
and Klein.
The fourth anomaly is the existence of dark
energy, about 69% of the total energy of the universe, and of which we know
only that it is not ordinary matter or particles; some physicists view it (and
it’s the most plausible interpretation) as ‘quintessence,’ an unknown type of
energy made of tachyonic (faster-than-light—FTL) virtual particles.
The fifth anomaly resides in the inflation
phase of the universe (at 10-36 second, just above Planck scale)
that reached million of times C.
the speed of light’s limit C is an absolute constraint of spacetime, any clear
contravention to this law, as well as of the other main laws of spacetime and
the electromagnetic force, reveals a ‘beyond spacetime’ region—such region, in
cosmology, having to be modeled as a hyperdimension (HD). Moreover, when taken
together, the five groups of anomalies show us that such HD must also
accommodate meaningful (semantic) psi interconnectedness and mind-over-matter
3.2. Why a pervading hyperdimension of consciousness?
Extra dimensions are necessary to integrate
Relativity & QM. The only
mathematical solution in order to unify Relativity
& QM and the four forces is to add extra dimensions. Hence super-string
models with 9, 10, or 11 dimensions in standard M-theory (of which 4 dimensions
are the classical 3D of space + 1D of time of spacetime). In 1919, Kaluza
posited a 5th dimension—precisely a 4th dimension of space—that
can be modelled as a hypercube or tesseract (as in Christopher Nolan’s 2014
film Interstellar). This solution was
so successful that it produced Maxwell’s EM field equations and Einstein’s
field equations for gravity (and additionally a scalar field). While adding
extra dimensions looks like a mathematical trick only, these happen to be a
physics necessity as well. For example, hypertime has been demonstrated during
the inflation phase (the Big Bang) when, at 10-36 second, the
universe bloated to 1050 times its size in a split instant. The
pioneers of the inflation theory—Alan Guth and Andrei Linde—calculated that
this process happened at million times the speed of light C (Guth 1997, Linde
Consciousness adds dimensions (degrees of
freedom) to the universe. No
physics process has been able to model or even describe consciousness-in-process
or the psychological ‘qualia’ (the 1st person subjective experience), because, as
Roger Penrose has argued, mind is non-algorithmic and, as David Chalmers (1996)
has clarified it, physics is a definite 3d person perspective, unable to tackle
the 1st person one. However Hameroff and Penrose (1996) have proposed, in their
Orch-OR model (Orchestrated Objective Reduction)
a self-collapse of brain wavefunctions that would trigger “a discrete conscious event” or moment of awareness, associated
with a bioquantum computing instantiated within the microtubules.
The reason for this is that consciousness adds
degrees of freedom to the physical universe and even to quantum fields. Operating
beyond spacetime & QM, consciousness has to be modeled as one or more extra
dimensions—in ISST, it is the syg-hyperdimension (enmeshed with hypertime and
hyperspace, Hardy 2015). Furthermore, the nonlocality of psi shows that
consciousness is part of the hyperdimension.
4.1. Semantic Fields Theory (SFT): Syg fields are complex dynamical systems
(syg) fields are complex dynamical systems, self-organizing and co-evolving via
the energy of consciousness—the syg energy (Faster Than Light sygons) of the
cosmic HD (Hardy 1998, 2015). They are
complex multilevel networks operating through a nonlocal connective dynamics
steered by meaning and syg energy.
explains the double-nature of consciousness: embodied yet nonlocal. The CSR-HD
is all-encompassing, existing at a sub-Planckian scale both at the origin and
at any spacetime coordinates, in all systems. The hyperdimension of a system is
its dynamical meaningful organizational layer, its semantic (syg) field, more
or less evolved, from a proto-consciousness to a mind (Hardy 1998, 2003).
framework of ISST+SFT is panpsychist, with the energy of consciousness (syg
energy, HD sygons) pervading each atom, cell and body, thus based on a deep,
multilevel and distributed, mind-matter coupling.
hyperdimensional sygons, pure syg energy, create instant nonlocal connections
between resonant semantic fields—thus explaining telepathy, synchronicities (Hardy
2011). All resonant and (semantically) proximate syg-fields are interconnected
and in synergy, and these links always imply an inter-influence between them,
the control variable of influence being the intensity of the syg energy of each
system. Once the syg-field of a system has been reorganized (for example with
positive thinking or a healing technique), the change starts to take place
within the matter- or bio- system.
expresses a systemic, holographic, universe, infused with a self-organizing,
collective consciousness—the cosmic syg-HD—, and allowing creativity and
change; it posits a participatory universe, with two-way ego-Self
communication, and synergy between any syg-field (e.g. intelligent being) and
the syg-HD (Hardy 2015b).
evolved semantic fields of human beings, trees or sacred places, all operate
creatively using syg energy from the alive, conscious and creative
sygons-fields pervading the universe.
4.2. The hyperdimension as hyperspace, hypertime and collective consciousness
ISS spiral is a golden spiral based on the Phi ratio, φ = 1.6180 (extremely
similar to Planck length = 1.616 x 10-33
cm). The Fibonacci sequence embeds the logarithm of Phi and is an infinite
suite. Starting by number 1, add this number to itself 1+1=2, then calculate
the sum of the last number found and of the preceding one. You will get: 1, 1,
2, 3, 5, 8, 13, … The unexplainable mathematics is that if you take any number
of the sequence and divide it by the one preceding it, you will approach the
Phi (φ) ratio 1.6180.
Figure 1. Golden spiral embedded
within golden rectangles.
it all means is that the primeval ISS, as a golden spiral, is not a
progressive, arithmetical, augmentation of the radius from its center, but that
it grows by the increment of a quarter of a circle, whose radius, divided by
the radius of the previous quarter of circle, gives no less than the Phi ratio.
In brief: the primeval ISS is a discrete suite of quarters of circles, called bows. The bows are virtual strings, each
vibrating at a specific frequency (the shorter the radius, the higher the
frequency); each larger radius is thus a multiple of phi.
properties of the field of information that we can deduce from a dynamic
self-actualizing golden spiral are remarkable (Hardy 2015, 2015a).
Discrete nature. Each bow-frequency being
distinct and ejecting its own sygon particle, the ISS is a sequence of virtual
particles with discrete frequencies—a property that will fit seamlessly into
the quantum region of discrete particles at post-Planck scale. (Brandenburg & Hardy 2016).
We thus
have a field of notes, spread in quasi space, forming a hyperspace called Center.
This hyperspace is time-like (it is a quasi-line,
the long outside spiral linking the bows), and thus fits what has been modeled
in the ‘Elsewhere’ region of Minkowski’s light cone.
Similarly, in the ISS spiral, Hypertime (Rhythm) is set by the frequency pulses of each quarter
of circle and thus by each turn of the spiral; so that the hypertime is spread
in virtual space—it has a space-like time (a time-field), as predicted in the
Information field (semantic or syg field). Frequencies and wave interferences are the stuff of
all string and superstring theories (such as M-Theory), as well as of Bohm’s active information in his Pilot Wave
model (as Quantum Potential), and also of Karl Pribram’s frequency-domain in his holographic model; it is also, in Ervin
Laszlo’s A-field theory, an “in-forming” wave, and in ISST the sygons are
indeed in-forming waves. A quasi-infinite suite of frequencies amounts to a
quasi-infinite data-bank: anything can be coded in network of frequencies. Thus
the ISS at the origin, and the sygon waves it ejected (thus forming the HD bulk
ahead of spacetime), instantiate a dynamic information field, a complex cosmic
syg field. With dynamical networks constituting a field of information, we are
not in a code or a program: the HD frequencies are the real stuff itself, the
flesh of the collective consciousness (whose language is music!) within the CSR
hyperdimension. Similarly, for us humans, the whole essence of our being is our
semantic field (syg field)—a self-organizing and self-conscious dynamical network
(Hardy 1998, 2001) that, as ISST posits it, is constituted of tachyonic sygons
and forms the hyperdimension of our being—our Self. Then the cosmic syg-field is
the hyperdimension of all beings, the collective and co-creative consciousness
of all the Selfs.
cosmic consciousness, as a CSR hyperdimension (both at the origin and as a bulk
surrounding the Quantum-Spacetime region or QST) is, paradoxically, an all-time
collective consciousness (an arch-anima)
that contains, or in which dwell, the hyperdimensional syg-fields of all beings
and systems. It is the Anima Mundi
(the world soul) of the alchemists, The
One as cosmic psyche of the Greek philosophers and hermetists, the brahman and Tao (cosmic consciousness) of the eastern philosophies.
ISST thus posits a two-layer cosmos, with a Center-Syg-Rhythm (CSR)
hyperdimension superposed to (in fact surrounding and pervading) the quantum-spacetime
(QST) region. Given that any point in spacetime opens on the HD below Planck
scale, the HD exists both as ‘compact’ (sub-Planckian) and as an extended ‘bulk,’
the superposed layer (as in the Randall-Sundrum 1999 model). As we saw, all
systems at all scales have, similarly, a hyperdimensional region (their
syg-field) superposed to their particle/body. The syg-field manages all the
information about this system (in numerous syg constellations), and is
constantly reactualized and updated with the system’s real existential
evolution. It works as a hologram, because a quasi-replica of our cosmic ISS
exists at the core of each particle and matter system, but in the ‘individual ISS’ the complex syg-field of
this individual entity is in an excited state. This is how all individual ISSs
remain in resonance and in sync with the cosmic Infinite Spiral Staircase. The
print of any system’s evolution in both the cosmic and the individual ISSs
comprises also its past history and its ‘memory’ (as goes the concept of
Akashic records or Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic fields); but its past history is
only a tiny fraction of the system’s syg-field.
with a Spiral Staircase at its Self/Center, each particle/system has, at its
core, an opening on the infinite and the whole. More precisely, each system, be
it a particle or a mind, is branched on the CSR hyperdimension—that is, each
system has the best part of its reality existing in its superposed syg-field
beyond time and space. And this CSR hyperdimension allows any nonlocal contact
and communication with sympathic and resonant minds and systems. ISST thus
postulates that the exchanges of information and interactions at a distance
that we call psi are mediated by the hyperdimension and the FTL sygons, and are
instantiated by the HD Self of a human being—his/her syg-field and its personalized
network of connections.
cosmic CSR HD acts as a collective consciousness field. Any particle, any
system, any mind, any semantic field is open on, and breathing in and out, this
cosmic field of pure creative semantic energy. Thus, each wave-particle system,
while in its CSR-focus state, vibrates and communicates with this ocean of
information in the CSR HD—however, only on the specific channels or frequencies
that are sympathic or resonant with their own networks. We cannot not see the
congruence with David Bohm’s Pilot Wave theory: in his revised Schrödinger
equation, it is the wavefunction of the universe that plays the role of the
pilot wave guiding the state of the quantum system. When applied to specific
systems, it is the wavefunction of this system that is used instead in order to
solve the equation. But let’s remember that Bohm’s pilot waves introduce a
deterministic outcome, while in ISST, we have an interplay—a two-way
communication—between on the one hand the cosmic hyperdimension, and on the
other hand the individualized minds/syg-fields and the forces in spacetime
(such as EM fields).
Now, how does this work? How can we fit in and model
our own freedom and creativity? Here is the gist:
Imagine that we have in us, in our Self
hyperdimension, a tiny hologram of the cosmic ISS (as cosmic DNA) with our own
being and life experiences imprinted on it as activated notes and networks of
links. The bow-tones are the notes (activated or not) and the sygons (as tiny
as the bows) are the torsion waves sent to meet and interact with other syg fields
in the hyperdimension bulk. The sygons are the messengers waves and diplomats
of all beings and systems. But unlike Bohm’s pilot waves, they are not
pre-determined messages, geared to perform only a pre-programmed task. To the
opposite, the sygons are searching to build meaningful connections and a
network of inter-influence, and they work freely as networking agents and bring
back to the being’s unconscious Self new ideas and contacts, as well as psi
information. The HD sygons, being immensely faster than light, can access any
information at a distance in space and time. Steered by the HD Self of a
person, they are the perfect dynamical and self-conscious agents for all psi
6.1. The two-focus wave-particle systems
Since the CSR hyperdimension is a superposed layer of
any particle or system, ISST postulates that the wave-particle has two possible
‘focus-states.’ Either it is in Center-Syg-Rhythm focus (wave, frequency
domain) or in Quantum-Spacetime focus (particle in spacetime). (This is another
way to view the two-states wavefunction.) So that, according to its frequency,
any particle shifts its focus numerous times per second.
CSR-focused, the wave-particle breathes in all the links with
surrounding syg-fields and with spatially distant systems connected via
meaningful links (i.e. via semantic
proximity as an index of the strength of previously-built links). Thus, it
is interconnected qualitatively with the syg hyperdimension and, the higher its
semantic intensity (syg intensity),
the stronger its influence on linked systems.
QST-focused, the particle bathes in the fields of interactions of
matter and energy particles (EM fields, strong or weak forces, etc.). It is
then subjected to causal and in-forming matter forces. However, the
modification of all matter fields can be achieved by minds/syg-fields via the
CSR HD, if their syg-intensity overrides the force of the matter organization,
such as in the experimenter effect or bio-PK.
6.2. The two-focus wave-particle and the experimenter effect
This has a bearing on the observer or experimenter effect in experiments, such as in
automated and controlled psi experiments—in which the experimenter effect has
been well studied and evidenced (Schlitz
2006; Schwartz & Dossey 2010). Let’s take, as a thought experiment,
experimenters elaborating on Thomas Young’s double-slit protocol (that
evidenced the interference patterns and thus the wave nature of light back in
1803) and using a photon beam.
We saw that when in CSR-focus, the wave-particles
connect and blend with sympathic and linked syg-fields (via semantic
proximity). At this point, the syg-fields of the experimental wave-particles
(of the photon beam) are interconnected with the syg-fields of the
experimenters, whose minds and attention are on the experimental design and
notably the photon beam they have decided to use.
The past and present intention and attention of the
experimenters create (1) strong semantic
proximity with their experimental objects (the particles’ beam and all the
machines used) and with their psi subjects (in the context of a psi test); and
(2) a high intensity of their own syg
energy—since they are deeply involved, and pursuing an innovative and
highly meaningful endeavor (emotion and innovation/creativity being key
parameters in syg-intensity, Hardy 1998).
ISST then postulates that the wave-particles, through
their nonlocal CSR hyperdimension, sense
and know the intentions and expectations of the observers/experimenters, because
their syg-fields are entangled with those of the experimenters and subjects,
and also entangled with the syg-fields of the experimental apparatus.
Therefore, when in CSR-focus, the particles are sensitive to the experimenters’ attention to one or the other of
their focuses (either wave or
particle), and this will give more weight to the most resonant set of states.
But we may look at it the other way around: The syg-fields (CSR HD) of the
experimenters are containing the experimental design, their own goals and
expectations, and the apparatus used; and the quantum system’s syg-field will yield to a more intense and stronger syg
energy system and therefore to its intention and expectations.
Hence the experimenter effect. The dynamics of a
strong syg-field imposing its intention and expectations on a lower-energy
syg-field will also be exemplified in bio-PK and healing. A psychic healer will
be able to impose a healthier organization on a sick organ or organism (whose
syg-field is weakened). The so-called ‘conformance behavior’ displayed by
patients subjected to their physician’s suggestion while receiving a placebo,
in my view, is just the result of a stronger syg energy: that of the
physician’s psyche/syg-field, endowed with a thrust toward a given outcome,
imposing its expectations and intention on the lower syg energy system (the
patient’s psyche/syg-field).
In some cases, the experimenter may not have strong
expectations but just a neutral attitude; then the system with a lower syg
energy will react to the attention (as
syg intensity) set on either their CSR-focus or their QST focus and behave
accordingly. Therefore the particles’ behavior in a complex double-slit setting
would reveal the web of interacting syg-fields (of experimenters and of the wave-particle
systems) and would espouse those carrying the prominent syg-intensity.
6.3. Law of syg-influence on matter systems
ISST, a system’s wavefunction is (in its CSR-focus) in conversation and
inter-influence with linked and coupled/entangled syg-fields. The intensity of syg energy will be the
control variable, the higher the intensity, the stronger the influence; in
other words, the highest syg energy configuration will impose its ordering dynamics.
However, for this syg-influence on matter to work, there needs to be a deep
resonance and sympathy, an harmonizing of the two systems’ frequency domain,
let’s call it a ‘synchrony’ realized
via the hypertime/Rhythm.
network of connections in CSR-focus state is of course of a hyperdimensional
and nonlocal type. Hence the experimenter effect, as an informing of
quantum-spacetime (QST) events by the semantic fields of the experimenters and
their syg energy reaching out for specific objectives. And that’s where the
intensity of syg energy comes into play, and the law of syg-influence on matter systems’ organization:
Whenever two
systems are in strong semantic proximity (or meaningful interconnection/ entanglement),
the higher the syg intensity difference, and the stronger the high-intensity
system will impose its semantic organization (intention, goal, etc.) on the
low-intensity one, this whatever the matter-complexity of the system involved.
the blending of Semantic Fields Theory (SFT) and ISST brings us to postulate
that the ocean of information and energy of the ISS at the origin—that flows
into the vacuum and the ZPF field as an enormous radiation pressure—is not just
an unknowable one-substance, one-block reality or entity, on which scientists
in awe but at a loss of understanding its nature, append too readily the name
of God or Creator—thus risking to shut the lid on the absolute mystery that was
just revealed about a hard-to-fathom reality.
try to fathom the Center-Syg-Rhythm (CSR) hyperdimension and its interlacing
with the Quantum-Spacetime region.
do that we have to imagine, again, a topological configuration (Figure 2). On
one layer of reality, we have the beings, things, and systems in 4D physical
reality, that is, in spacetime (here the bird).
this same layer of Quantum-Spacetime (QST) reality, there are holes as in a
checkerboard, corresponding to the high CSR-focus of about half of the
particles. But on this QST layer, only microscopic holes in the texture of
reality are to be detected.
Fig. 2. Center-Syg-Rhythm
(CSR) manifold—as a hyperdimension—and its interlacing
with the 4D spacetime
manifold, via the bird’s semantic field (the dense cloud).
(Concept &
Artwork: Chris H. Hardy)
on the layer of the CSR manifold, where half of the particles are in high
CSR-focus, the ISSs (and syg-fields) stemming from the center of these
particles are in interconnection with other resonant semantic fields and unfold
themselves while reaching to the infinite (the cosmic ISS).
if we take now as a point of observation (or reference) the CSR manifold
itself, that is, if we were standing in that layer, what we would observe is an
immense and all-reaching unearthly landscape, composed of the semantic fields
of all systems in the universe, themselves organized in subsystems, the
semantic constellations.
this semantic fields layer, are streaming out innumerable Spiral Staircases
from the centers of all particles, and variegated systems’ semantic fields;
they spiral out to form an ocean of active information, of specified and
qualified syg energy systems, this ocean itself apparently continuous.
ISST, we are the co-creators of the universe we inhabit, the co-creators of our
destinies, as creative agents within the cosmic hyperdimension. We have to
strive to become ever more cognizant of the tissue of interrelations, so that
we may co-create an enjoyable and sustainable future for ourselves and our
solves the need for (A) a layer of self-organized nonlocal consciousness
distinct from brains, matter and spacetime; (B) self-organized non-matter
energy infusing the sub-Planckian scale, e.g. at the universe’s origin (both
are merged in ISST). The semantic, meaningful, processes of A (as in psi)
forbids this layer to be indeterministic and random (thus excluding the vacuum
Zero-Point-Fluctuations field as a medium). Yet the creativity, free will, and
self-reference exhibited by A forbids this layer to be fully deterministic: it
has to display creation of order, rising complexity, and self-organizing
dynamics, such as meaningful network connectivity and chaotic attractors.
expresses a systemic, holographic, universe, infused with a self-organizing,
collective consciousness, the cosmic syg-HD, and allowing creativity and
change; it posits a participatory universe (Wheeler, Sarfatti), with two-way mind-matter
and Self-body communication, and synergy between an individual syg-field (e.g. a
person) and the cosmic syg-HD; it is also a budding-universe hypothesis
(Smolin, Penrose). Thus, the evolved semantic fields of human beings, trees, or
sacred places, all operate creatively using syg energy from the conscious and
creative sygons-fields pervading the universe.
a deterministic-causal paradigm, everything is hierarchic and pre-ordered, and
our input is of little value to influence the whole. The governance style is
authoritative and autocratic, with little consultancy and synergy. A few elites
impose a despotic rule with no freedom. To the opposite, in a randomness &
indeterminacy paradigm, the whole has no meaning and global events are
unrelated to our input. The governance style is self-centered, opportunistic;
it has no vision, no long-term incentive, no respect for other beings, whether
human fellows or nature. A few interest-groups scheme to impose their rule,
each competing for power.
in a participatory universe, as a conscious hologram, each being is in
interrelation with the whole, and the whole with each being. Each system
partakes of the information of the whole, and the whole pervades all its
component systems. Thus, each system is conscious according to its complexity
(from a proto-consciousness in simple ones to a self-referent mind in
intelligent beings).
a conscious and holographic universe, all consciousnesses—all the syg-fields of
beings and complex natural systems—are interacting. We bathe in a sea of
interacting syg-fields: all are endowed with consciousness, all are meaningful
entities in sync with their meaningful environment. In ISST, each being may
access the information of the whole—that is, the knowledge of the arch-anima of
the ISS at the origin, and the information-field of the hyperdimension. But the
arch-anima of the HD also interacts with all beings. This is a two-way exchange
and communication, through the hyperdimension.
human beings or natural systems, all linked syg-fields influence each other. In
such a universe, everything matters—each being affects all connected beings.
Each decision and action affects the world we inhabit. Furthermore, in the
paradigm of a Center-Syg-Rhythm HD, our collective consciousness learns and
evolves, and thus weaves our collective future. Being part of it, we are the
co-creators of our universe’s present and future state—therefore, fully
responsible for the world we inhabit.
organizational style is synergic, participatory, caring for and listening to
others; it has vision and feels responsible for other beings, for nature and
the planet. The paradigm of a collective cosmic consciousness leads to favor
paths of self-development and openness, to nurture and explore higher mental,
intuitive, artistic and spiritual capacities, in ourselves and our society.
* See the PLANCK
cosmology probe team’s release of March 2013, then early 2015 at:
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